Midlife is a time when the reality sets in that you are going to die.
But there’s more.
Midlife is also a time where we are, more than any other time in our lives, equipped with the knowledge, skills, experience, and wisdom to alter the course of our lives and our children’s children’s lives.
The 1,000 Years Wealth Project emerged out of the tension between the urgent need to make the most of the time I have, confidence that I have the tools to make it happen, and the recognition that my actions and behaviors in this moment will have reverberations for generations. The kids are watching.
And I want to get it right.
My north star is a holistic definition of “wealth” that includes things like:
Having ownership of my time and choosing how I spend it.
Building my financial literacy so that my money works for me.
Nurturing my mental and physical health.
Dressing exquisitely.
Becoming an exceptional host and dinner guest.
Caring for my home and my environment.
Exploring and improving my and my partner’s sex lives.
Sharing wisdom at work.
Travelling with savvy and regularity.
Buying masterfully crafted items that last a lifetime or many lifetimes.
The 1,000 Years Wealth Project will document my learning journey.
I hope you find something that serves you now and echoes for generations.